Message from Chairperson

Since the future ultimately belongs to young generation, you need to prepare yourselves for success and achievement in your life. Today our major concern is to provide quality education to our present and future generation for the overall advancement of the quality of life and society. Proper education, training and qualification are more important today than ever before for our nation. To meet these challenges, Prativa Secondary School has endeavored the best to provide quality education since its inception.

We are going to offer the flexibility and genuine choice to cope with the diversity of students’ interests and aspirations. Highly qualified, experienced and dedicated faculties of Pokhara are involved in our core team. We are trying to build the conducive and appropriate atmosphere to teach new things effectively for the learners. I hope we will get the co-operation of our guardians, students, teaching staffs and our well-wishers to achieve our common goal of academic excellence. I would like to extend my gratitude to all the students and guardians for their support to carry out our academic mission.

I am delighted to welcome you at Prativa Secondary School. I expect it will remain a special educational destination for you.

Narayan Poudel



यी खबरहरू पनि नछुटाउनुहोस्…..!


Prativa Secondary School


Pokhara-3, Gyanmarga, Nadipur

Contact:  +977-061 521546/535541

Prativa Secondary School +2:

Palikhechowk, Pokhara

Contact:  +977-061-534875/535371

Noticeboard No: 1618061535371