“Education for Discipline and Excellence”
PRATIVA Secondary is school, an academic glory of Pokhara is synonymous to academic excellence. It has been the most sought institutional school in the region. Since its establishment in 2043 B.S., it has always been striving for quality education, and in the course of more than three decade it has carved out for itself an enviable niche at the summit of the best colleges in the country.

From Chairperson
Since the future ultimately belongs to young generation, you need to prepare yourselves for success and achievement in your life. Today our major concern is to provide quality education to our present and future generation for the overall advancement of the quality of life and society. Proper education, training and qualification are more important today than ever before for our nation. To meet these challenges, Prativa Secondary School has endeavored the best to provide quality education since its inception.
Why Prativa
for +2 Education ?
Historical and outstanding results in the Board Exams and placement tests
Effective virtual classes through school’s own app and fully digitalized classrooms
Separate +2 Premises and buildings at Palikhe chowk, Pokhara
Managed by the new team of qualified faculty members & edupreneurs
An ISO 9001: 2008 certified +2 in Kaski
Day and morning shifts for both Science and Management
Our Core Features & Facilities
A number of facilities are provided to the students so as to facilitate them a conducive, friendly and constructive environment for learning.

Laboratory (Lab)
Prativa has set up advanced and highly technological laboratories for practical classes on Physics, Chemistry and Biology…

Hostel & Cafteria
The college has also managed hostel facilities for both boys and girls in the most congenial environment….

Prativa renders comfortable and easy transportation facilities to students from different locations of the city….

The classrooms are spacious, standard, well-ventilated and well-furnished with the updated technology.

MCQs & Preparatory Classes
PRATIVA stands as a pioneering school in Pokhara to launch MCQs classes from the very beginning of Grade XI….

Sports & ECA
Since sports help to build character and teach the importance of discipline in life, the college offers extensive sports programs….

Prativa has managed a resourceful library with attractive interiors. It facilitates access to information for knowledge, education …

Career and Counseling
The counseling department is open throughout the academic year to provide authentic counseling services from the experienced counselors….
Admission Procedure
For Grade XI intake, students who have passed SEE or equivalent examination with GPA 3.2 and 2.8 are eligible to apply for admission for Science and Management/Hotel Management respectively at Prativa. All prospective students will have to go through entrance test in the objective pattern and admission will be granted on the basis of the merit list of the test. The entrance test will be conducted for the subjects mentioned as below:
For Science Stream
English, Compulsory Mathematics + Optional Mathematics and Science
For Management & Hotel Management
English, Compulsory Mathematics + Optional Mathematics and Science
From Principal
We have taken a completely new turn for blooming up the education system by striving for excellence in every possible field and achieving it in a spectacular way. Our motto “Education for Discipline and Excellence” not only goes with rigorous scholastic programmers but also, we seek to develop and nurture the different facets of a child. A committed and supportive management, dedicated teachers, caring and co-operative parents blend harmoniously to create a child- centric school and through collaborative efforts …
News & Announcements
वरिष्ठ कलाकार हरिवंश र गायक सपुतलाई प्रतिभा सम्मान
कलाकार हरिवंश आचार्य र गायक प्रकाश सपुत पोखरामा सम्मानित भएका छन्। पोखराको प्रतिभा माविको प्रतिभा सम्मान कार्यक्रममा...
प्रतिभा माविका उत्कृष्ट विद्यार्थीलाई पुरस्कार वितरण
पोखरा । प्रतिभा मावि पोखराले विद्यालयमा भएका विभिन्न शैक्षिक तथा खेलकुद गतिविधिका उत्कृष्ट विद्यार्थीलाई विहीबार...
प्रतिभाले जित्यो पोखरा कप क्रिकेटको उपाधि
एक्सपर्ट एजुकेशन पोखरा कप विद्यालयस्तरीय क्रिकेट प्रतियोगिताको उपाधि प्रतिभा माध्यमिक विद्यालयले जितेको छ । बुधबार...
Students Voice
Councils, Clubs and Alumni
The school aims at conducting youth development programs through various student clubs and societies from time to time to help the students develop their personal characteristics of self-esteem, leadership, confidence, initiative, adaptability, self-reliance, empathy, knowledge, and skills. The college fosters students to… [ Read More ]
Get in touch
Prativa Secondary School
Pokhara-3, Gyanmarga, Nadipur
Contact: +977-061 571546 | 585541
Prativa Secondary School +2:
Palikhechowk, Pokhara
Contact: +977-061-584875 | 585371
Noticeboard No: 1618061535371